About Unceasing Prayer
Unceasing Prayer builds upon what God has already done and is doing, much like a runner passing the baton in a relay race.
- Do you and your church have a heart for prayer?
- Would you like to link up in unity through the Bay Area?
- Would you like to see more of your folks praying?
- Can you gather a group to pray throughout one day a month, or even a portion of a day?
Then link up with Unceasing Prayer as we cover every day of every month, with prayer for our churches, neighborhoods and cities.
Get StartedOur goal is to cover all 31 days in prayer, each month, resulting in on-going Unceasing Prayer for the Bay Area.
Over the last few months, many churches and ministries have started weekly or daily prayer sessions. Others may not be doing this formally but are praying in times like these.
As our Bay Area’s focus shifts from one crisis and concern to another, we are more in need than ever to see a chorus of round-the-clock "Unceasing Prayer" thread the needle for unity in our churches across our cities.
Every Day
Covered in Prayer
12 Months
Each Year
100+ Churches
United Before God
Get Started
You can join today, dedicating your group to a day of prayer each month. Help bless the Bay Area with a covering of prayer. Use the Start Now buttons to get started.
The Pastor and the Prayer Leader
A brief introduction how prayer leaders and pastor teams can coordinate greater levels of prayer.
Who Can Join?
There are a variety of people and groups that can link up with Unceasing Prayer.

Fellowships & Congregations
From house churches to mega churches, you most likely have a prayer and intercession team.
If you do not, this is a great way to 'seed' your first prayer group by linking up with Unceasing Prayer to cover the churches, cities, ministries, and leaders of the region.

Outreaches & ProgramsFrom food programs and homework assistance groups to training centers and homeless shelters, your prayer team can join one day a month and connect with Unceasing Prayer.
Get Started
Prayer Groups
Intercession & Listening TeamsYou already are a prayerful community. Consider uniting for a portion of one day a month as part of a symphony of prayer in your region.
Get StartedFrequently Asked Questions
Can you IMAGINE what the spiritual climate would be if our city was covered in unceasing, non-stop prayer??
Increased passion for Christ!
Loving acts of kindness!
Generates a faith that dispels fear!
Restores hope and inspiration!
Greater unity among churches!
Increased racial fellowship and reconciliation!
People coming to Jesus in increased numbers!
Key social needs in a city improved!
Societal healing! -
Can we still join if there are only a few of us?
YES! We welcome you with open arms.
Get Started
Own your day and organize it in whatever way is doable for you. In 2 Peter 3:8 the Lord tells us that He is not bound by time or space and when we bring our loaves and fishes to Him (in this case our prayers), He can multiply them in the same wonderful way that He fed the 5,000 (beyond our expectations)!
With whom are you affiliated?
We are a non-denominational, Christian organization committed to joining in unity and prayer with all groups who call Jesus Lord and Savior, and we fully affirm the Apostle's Creed.
Who is Unceasing Prayer Bay Area?
Unceasing Prayer Bay Area is a coalition of churches, ministries and prayer fellowships who are committed to covering every hour of every month in prayer for the Bay Area.
What is the strategy behind Unceasing Prayer?
Inspired by the city of Austin's unity in prayer movement (see City of Prayer by Trey Kent and Kie Bowman), we seek to draw together the churches of the Bay Area to cover our region in continual prayer each day of each month.
City of Prayer -
How can I or my church join with Unceasing Prayer?
If you want information regarding joining the team at Unceasing Prayer, write us at: unceasingprayer@revivalvalley.com
If you want to add your church or ministry, then:
Get Started -
What if we do not have a Prayer Leader or Coordinator in our church?
Begin asking God and look for that Prayer Champion in your fellowship. Let us know and we will pray with you!
Are there resources or someone who can help us in getting started?
Yes! – We are available to comealong side you with resources and support.
What if another group has already selected the same day?
No problem. We envision that over time we will far exceed 31 churches/ministries in each city, so there could easily be multiple churches/ministries praying on a specific date.
Do you have any future plans to provide some kind of feedback mechanism so that we can see themes and patterns for how the Lord is speaking to a particular city?
Yes. This is on our radar and we are anxious to see this happen.
How can I find out more about becoming an Intercessor for the Unceasing Prayer Team?
Great! Just let us know of your interest and we will reach out to you. Write us at: unceasingprayer@revivalvalley.com
1. Region — 24/7 prayer coverage over all nine counties of the San Francisco Bay Area as the baton of prayer is passed from each church or ministry to the next.
2. Leadership — Each church or ministry prayer team will pray under the direction of a designated leader (prayer coordinator, prayer leader, or pastor).
3. Schedule — Each prayer group will select what day each month to pray and how to organize its chosen day.
4. Focus — Each prayer team will intercede for its church or ministry, city, and county, as encouraged by its designated prayer leader.
5. Inclusivity — We encourage each designated prayer leader to choose a format that promotes prayer for seasoned prayer warriors and pilgrims new to prayer.
6. Support — The leadership of Unceasing Prayer Bay Area will be available to offer support to prayer and ministry leaders.
7. Sustainability — The leadership of Unceasing Prayer Bay Area is committed to growing a ministry model that will carry forward to succeeding generations.
1. Relationship with the living God - Father, Son, Holy Spirit
2. The Bible, as the inspired word of God
3. Personal faith in Jesus Christ
4. Love for God and for all people
5. Prayer as a way to partner with God in the fulfillment of His Kingdom purposes
6. The unity of believers in Jesus
7. Cooperation with all people who believe in Jesus
Prayer Resources
"City of Prayer" by Trey Kent and Kie Bowman
Imagine a city where more than 100 churches and thousands of believers pray in an unceasing way, 24/7, for their community and for revival and spiritual awakening. That is happening in Austin, Texas, which is our inspiration.
"Do-Able Prayer" by Ginny Kisling
The power of prayer when every believer finds their voice in prayer! An inspirational resource for the church with easy, simple, do-able praying.
"Prayer Saturated Church" by Cheryl Sacks
A comprehensive handbook for Prayer Leaders.

Ginny Kisling
Executive Team & Bay Area Director
Since 1996 Ginny has been involved with and has given prayer leadership for multiple Bay Area prayer initiatives as well as teaching both locally and nationally through Harvest Prayer Ministries, an International prayer organization.
In the fall of 2019 she received a fresh stirring of God’s spirit. It brings Ginny great joy to be a catalyst for prayer and part of a shepherding team for the Unceasing Prayer Initiative across the Bay Area where together we can see the glory and knowledge of the Lord fill the earth!
Email Ginny at ginny@revivalvalley.com

Donna Maranon
South Bay Leadership Team
Donna has worked in the prayer ministry for the last 15 years, which also includes serving in the International Association of Healing Rooms (IAHR). She is a team leader with Ginny for the Morgan Hill Prayer Project as well as assisting the team with some administrative support. Donna loves seeing how God answers prayer!

Suzanne Woo
South Bay Leadership Team Suzanne has worked in the prayer ministry for the last 15 years, which also includes serving in the International Association of Healing Rooms (IAHR). Suzanne supports the team as an editor and Communications Specialist, and she loves that she can support multi-Church unity through prayer to bring more of heaven down on earth.

Jon Norvelle
Sr. Advisor & South Bay Leadership Team
Jon grew up in the Catholic Church until he was 14 years old. He then joined a Presbyterian church where he came to know Jesus as his savior there at the age of 21. Later he joined an Assembly of God Church and was there for the next thirty plus years. Recently, Jon served in an Evangelical Church for several years. This diverse journey has lead Jon to love and appreciate all the churches gathered under Jesus Christ.
Jon also serves in the International Association of Healing Rooms (IAHR), where he has been for the last six years, but he considers himself an intercessor before anything else as his heart is in his direct relationship with God. He yearns to see Revival in the Bay Area.

Greg Holsclaw
President, Revival Valley & Sr. Lead Advisor
Greg Holsclaw is the founder of Revival Valley Ministries starting in 2015 and President of Northern California Bible College, and is an ordained minister through the missions and evangelism network of Global Awakening (member since 2016).
Revival Valley was founded with a vision of multi-church unity, specifically around joining together in prayer and worship.
He is has written his first book Supernatural Theology centering on the work of the Holy Spirit. This book is meant to help people discover and understand their spiritual gifts from a solid Biblical foundation. He is also working on a second book regarding Empowering Communities for Christ.
Email Greg at greg@revivalvalley.com